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Please read prior to messaging with your questions as the info is most likely below: Thank you!
- I have sold to several members here with zero issues!
- Cash only please!
- My focus on GCGF forums has always and will always continue to be a trusted and integral seller who is always respectful of you and your time, being punctual when setting meeting times and being fairly priced for anything that I list.
- Prices can be negotiated however, please be inhabiting planet earth when making an offer. Yes, we all remember the mythical pre-covid prices for...name a noun...
- I am no longer located off 9 mile rd. and Chemstrand as I have since moved north towards Molino. I can still meet you of course.
-If anybody is interested in having an item shipped to them I can absolutely do so and only ask that they pay the shipping charge.
#1.Hornady 30 CAL 150gr FMJ-BT projectile 2,100ct
$441.00 cpp $0.21/ea (qty 1)
#2. Hornady .224 DIA 62gr SS109 XM-855 Steel Core FMJ-BT projectiles
2400ct - $408 - $0.17/(qty 1)
#3. Hornady .224 DIA 55gr V-Max (black) projectiles
1000ct - $210 - $0.21/ea (qty 4) OR
4500ct - $900 - $0.20/ea (qty 1)
#4. Hornady .224 DIA 55gr XM-193 FMJ-BT projectiles
1300ct - $130 - $0.10/ea (qty 1)
#5. 9mm .356 DIA 123gr Heavy Plating HP 3000ct
3000ct - $300 - $0.10ccp (qty 1)
#6. Double Alpha Magnetic Powder Check w/box (unused) - $65 (qty 1)
#7. Double Alpha Magnetic Powder Check no box (unused) - $65 (qty 1)
#8. MagPump Pistol Loader (never used - all mag brand hardware included - $90/ea (qty 1)
#9. MagPump AR-15 Mag Loader ( never used ) - $85/ea (qty 1)
* All copper jacketed projo's have been washed and treated with a UV/auto-oxidation resistant bath consisting of a proprietary solution which I developed a few years back. At the time I was considering becoming an ammo manufacturer.
* The 55g V-max "Varmint" projectiles are obviously colored black rather than the standard shiny red copper jacket many are used to. I hope that my brief description will be informative and transparent and avoids sounding as though I'm the best thing on plant earth. Like the anti-oxidative treatment above, I developed a secondary surface treatment to resist severe climate conditions without adding additional thickness to the diameter of the projectile's .224" measurement. I can guarantee you that I DO NOT use any of the following to produce any of my treatments: varnish/clear coatings, powder coatings, polymers, plastics, paint, electrochemical deposition, or any other similar processes listed.
What is it? This process produces a shiny black surface transformation with characteristics that make it extremely durable, won't chip or scratch off, and won't leave residues that foul your barrel. This has been confirmed by myself and several individuals who have no affiliation with me and were not offered any incentive to give feedback to myself. After multiple tests and several thousand rounds there have been nothing but positive and displays no discernible changes to projectile's performance when compared to the control OEM projos. To summarize: These projectiles are 100% OEM Hornady V-Max which have been treated with an aftermarket surface treatment to inhibit oxidation and withstand extreme climates or storage conditions. Loading ammunition is my second favorite hobby which has only ever been rivaled by my love for chemistry.
- I have sold to several members here with zero issues!
- Cash only please!
- My focus on GCGF forums has always and will always continue to be a trusted and integral seller who is always respectful of you and your time, being punctual when setting meeting times and being fairly priced for anything that I list.
- Prices can be negotiated however, please be inhabiting planet earth when making an offer. Yes, we all remember the mythical pre-covid prices for...name a noun...
- I am no longer located off 9 mile rd. and Chemstrand as I have since moved north towards Molino. I can still meet you of course.
-If anybody is interested in having an item shipped to them I can absolutely do so and only ask that they pay the shipping charge.
#1.Hornady 30 CAL 150gr FMJ-BT projectile 2,100ct
$441.00 cpp $0.21/ea (qty 1)
#2. Hornady .224 DIA 62gr SS109 XM-855 Steel Core FMJ-BT projectiles
2400ct - $408 - $0.17/(qty 1)
#3. Hornady .224 DIA 55gr V-Max (black) projectiles
1000ct - $210 - $0.21/ea (qty 4) OR
4500ct - $900 - $0.20/ea (qty 1)
#4. Hornady .224 DIA 55gr XM-193 FMJ-BT projectiles
1300ct - $130 - $0.10/ea (qty 1)
#5. 9mm .356 DIA 123gr Heavy Plating HP 3000ct
3000ct - $300 - $0.10ccp (qty 1)
#6. Double Alpha Magnetic Powder Check w/box (unused) - $65 (qty 1)
#7. Double Alpha Magnetic Powder Check no box (unused) - $65 (qty 1)
#8. MagPump Pistol Loader (never used - all mag brand hardware included - $90/ea (qty 1)
#9. MagPump AR-15 Mag Loader ( never used ) - $85/ea (qty 1)
* All copper jacketed projo's have been washed and treated with a UV/auto-oxidation resistant bath consisting of a proprietary solution which I developed a few years back. At the time I was considering becoming an ammo manufacturer.
* The 55g V-max "Varmint" projectiles are obviously colored black rather than the standard shiny red copper jacket many are used to. I hope that my brief description will be informative and transparent and avoids sounding as though I'm the best thing on plant earth. Like the anti-oxidative treatment above, I developed a secondary surface treatment to resist severe climate conditions without adding additional thickness to the diameter of the projectile's .224" measurement. I can guarantee you that I DO NOT use any of the following to produce any of my treatments: varnish/clear coatings, powder coatings, polymers, plastics, paint, electrochemical deposition, or any other similar processes listed.
What is it? This process produces a shiny black surface transformation with characteristics that make it extremely durable, won't chip or scratch off, and won't leave residues that foul your barrel. This has been confirmed by myself and several individuals who have no affiliation with me and were not offered any incentive to give feedback to myself. After multiple tests and several thousand rounds there have been nothing but positive and displays no discernible changes to projectile's performance when compared to the control OEM projos. To summarize: These projectiles are 100% OEM Hornady V-Max which have been treated with an aftermarket surface treatment to inhibit oxidation and withstand extreme climates or storage conditions. Loading ammunition is my second favorite hobby which has only ever been rivaled by my love for chemistry.