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  • Little Jack
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    • I’m not sure I went about things the right way. I’m new the group. I’m serious interested in the p365 XL complete slide
      Sir, I'm think about buying a shotgun off of Gun Broker. Can I use you as the FFL?

      Jim Hartley
      You in town now? Hard to believe PSA is just gonna let that shotgun sit idle at UPS.
      hey nate are you still selling the spikes stripped lowers if whats your price on them
      I’m looking to buy 2 Hybrids and 2 Sparrows. Do you have either in stock? Thanks!
      I have had 4 operations this year. A tumor formed in the spine from Trauma, but we beat the odds and still walking!
      Ordered 2 stripped AR lowers from PSA and having them shipped to you for FFL. Is your transfer fee still $20? Would also like the Aero 2 stripped lower as discussed.
      Sean Thompson
      Im looking at purchasing a silerenco omege 30 cal. Would you be able to help me with this? If so what price would it be?
      Thanks. Jason Taylor
      Nate, is your FFL registered with Grab A Gun? I'm thinking of getting one of those S&W M&P Sports they have on sale. What would be the process? Thanks.
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