Looking for a Book

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  • ABlaster

    Dec 2, 2022
    Long post warning.

    So, I bought the book Pistol Personal Defense and it arrived this morning. It's not a long read. So I learned a long time ago to "sandwich" feedback. So you point out a positive, get into the negative, and end on some more positive.

    So, overall I'm positive I've been had, but that aside the book does have some good content. The mechanics of gun handling section is pretty solid but some of the advice lacks context. Specifically, it talks about firing, releasing the trigger fast, and coming back to the "wall" where any further movement will trip the sear. It doesn't go into when that is appropriate and IMHO it is not for every shooting situation. It has a line item that reads "grip the pistol first, then fire, if you do both at the same time it will move the gun and you want to keep the gun without moving." I teach that as milking the grip, but it describes failing to isolate the trigger finger from the other three fingers.

    The next section is legit the most needlessly over-thought description of how to grip a pistol I have ever seen. Here is an actual photo from the book.


    The book does an excellent job of describing and showing the three basic sighting types (six o'clock, center, and 12 o'clock) and makes an excellent distinction between shooting in an action/CQB environment and shooting under no time constraints. Most people, even seasoned instructors, try and apply a precision shooing skillset to an action shooting environment and they don't mix.

    The book moves on to building searches and the tactics are solid but need more description to fully flesh it out.

    Here's the part where I feel like I've been had.

    I believe the original poster may either be the actual author of the book or have some skin in the game for seeing it sell.
    I'm basing that on a few things. The very first thing I saw was the first sentence of the preface says "...I am going from the elementary to the most advanced material." The underlines are present in the book, which almost exactly mirrors the OP's post in post #9, even the emphasis. The OP also identified themselves as an engineer, which tracks with the over-thought diagram. The book has some misspellings and weird sentence structure, just like the OP's posts, and finally (and the weakest evidence) is that the OP's name is Berettatiger, and in the book all the semi-auto photos are 92/M9 style pistols. Lastly, the OP has no other posts except the ones in this thread.

    Anyway, contgratulations, Berettatiger/Agent Delta, I bought your book and while it needs to be fleshed out more it doesn't entirely suck.


    May 22, 2023
    margaritaville bay county ...old people place
    Long post warning.

    So, I bought the book Pistol Personal Defense and it arrived this morning. It's not a long read. So I learned a long time ago to "sandwich" feedback. So you point out a positive, get into the negative, and end on some more positive.

    So, overall I'm positive I've been had, but that aside the book does have some good content. The mechanics of gun handling section is pretty solid but some of the advice lacks context. Specifically, it talks about firing, releasing the trigger fast, and coming back to the "wall" where any further movement will trip the sear. It doesn't go into when that is appropriate and IMHO it is not for every shooting situation. It has a line item that reads "grip the pistol first, then fire, if you do both at the same time it will move the gun and you want to keep the gun without moving." I teach that as milking the grip, but it describes failing to isolate the trigger finger from the other three fingers.

    The next section is legit the most needlessly over-thought description of how to grip a pistol I have ever seen. Here is an actual photo from the book.

    View attachment 501493

    The book does an excellent job of describing and showing the three basic sighting types (six o'clock, center, and 12 o'clock) and makes an excellent distinction between shooting in an action/CQB environment and shooting under no time constraints. Most people, even seasoned instructors, try and apply a precision shooing skillset to an action shooting environment and they don't mix.

    The book moves on to building searches and the tactics are solid but need more description to fully flesh it out.

    Here's the part where I feel like I've been had.

    I believe the original poster may either be the actual author of the book or have some skin in the game for seeing it sell.
    I'm basing that on a few things. The very first thing I saw was the first sentence of the preface says "...I am going from the elementary to the most advanced material." The underlines are present in the book, which almost exactly mirrors the OP's post in post #9, even the emphasis. The OP also identified themselves as an engineer, which tracks with the over-thought diagram. The book has some misspellings and weird sentence structure, just like the OP's posts, and finally (and the weakest evidence) is that the OP's name is Berettatiger, and in the book all the semi-auto photos are 92/M9 style pistols. Lastly, the OP has no other posts except the ones in this thread.

    Anyway, contgratulations, Berettatiger/Agent Delta, I bought your book and while it needs to be fleshed out more it doesn't entirely suck.
    saw it a lot on the tinkerbell porsche forums....as soon as they said " i am an engineer " i learned to stop reading .....nothing has changed but the product


    Dec 2, 2022
    saw it a lot on the tinkerbell porsche forums....as soon as they said " i am an engineer " i learned to stop reading .....nothing has changed but the product
    Sometimes they aren't even an engineer of the type that would be necessary to render an opinion on the topic at hand!


    Sit Violentiam Regem
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    May 28, 2019
    If author of any shooting book doesn't have combat experience, bad neighborhood police experience or any real world gunfight experience... no go. Guys like Col. Jeff Cooper, Jim Cirillo, Clint Smith, Kyle Lamb have real trigger time on baddies. These are people to learn from. Theory is just that, real experience is another thing entirely


    Dec 2, 2022
    If author of any shooting book doesn't have combat experience, bad neighborhood police experience or any real world gunfight experience... no go. Guys like Col. Jeff Cooper, Jim Cirillo, Clint Smith, Kyle Lamb have real trigger time on baddies. These are people to learn from. Theory is just that, real experience is another thing entirely
    That’s a given, but at this point I’m more interested in the OP’s likely being the author! He did say he fought in two revolutions…


    Sit Violentiam Regem
    Staff member
    Super Moderator
    GCGF Supporter
    May 28, 2019
    That’s a given, but at this point I’m more interested in the OP’s likely being the author! He did say he fought in two revolutions…
    I've shot many evolutions but never been blessed with shooting any revolutions!


    Jul 16, 2022
    I can clear a room best after Mexican food!
    As far as shooting a human being with a firearm you better be Dam sure you can prove he was an immediate threat to your life. Or you could be spending time with a big fella who thinks you’re cute. In a place you can’t leave and the accommodations suck along with the food and the company.
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