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    1. 1

      A quick stamp for my can

      First time for me, fingerprinted and e-filed on 9/11 and picked up on 9/19.
    2. 1

      A quick stamp for my can

      Individual, 22 can. Trusts do take longer.
    3. 1

      A quick stamp for my can

      8 days for me from fingerprints to can in the hand. Much quicker than before.
    4. Rossi Rio Bravo Tactical .22

      Comment by '16gauge' on the classified ad 'Rossi Rio Bravo Tactical .22'

      Do you still have the OD green in stock?
    5. 1

      Shiny! P17

      I knew it! Dang you James!
    6. 1

      Shiny! P17

      That one would do it for now. Until a new color comes out.
    7. 1

      Shiny! P17

      Dang you James, now I have another color to buy. Oh well...
    8. 1

      Browning 12 gauge

      Barrel may not be original to the gun. This happens a lot with Brownings. The serial number on the barrel on these older ones did match the receiver back then, it is on the barrel ring. It also has the less desirable front to back safety that was replaced later with the standard side to side...
    9. 1

      6.5 creedmoor deer knock down

      Very effective with the 129 grain Hornady Spire pt. I have been shooting the 260 Rem. for 24 years. Basically the same round, I use the 120 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip and have never lost a deer. Usually dropped in their tracks or run less than 20 yards. The Creedmore is a very good cartridge...
    10. 1

      Bumper Crop of Pecans

      They are cutting like crazy at my house, been on them for about 2 weeks and getting worse. We have 19 mature trees and about 6 are fully loaded with nuts. Winds are breaking some of the more loaded limbs, definitely looking good if I can keep the tree rats grounded.
    11. 1

      tristar viper g2 bronze 410

      PM sent
    12. 1

      Keltec p17

      Everybody should have at least one. I picked up #4 in OD Green Monday to go along with the 2 Black and 1 Tan versions. They are extremely good pistols, definitely great for handgun training especially for new shooters. Cheap ammo and low recoil, many new shooters have praised at how easy they...
    13. 1

      Is there a pump or lever 22 that is threaded???

      I can confirm that mine will feed, shoot, and eject shorts, longs, and of course long rifles. Very fun.
    14. 1

      Flomaton Al.

      Flomaton Al.
    15. 1

      Is there a pump or lever 22 that is threaded???

      I have the black Rio-Bravo in 22lr and 22mag, they both function great and are very accurate.
    16. 1

      Nice winchester super model 1 12g

      What trades are you interested in?
    17. 1

      50 rd carrier for .22

      I found these years ago and love them. You can have several and load them with shorts, longs, long rifle, 22 mag, 17 HMR, snake shot.....They are a great item to have.
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